• Division of Microbiology (Kanda lab), Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Papers of interest

“Transeurasian EBV” paper has been published

We published an open-access paper in Virology.The Transeurasian language family is a group of languages ​​spread across the Eurasian continent, including Japanese, Korean, Tungusic, Mongolian, and Turkic (overview by Google AI). We found that the people speaking the Transeurasian language are infected with a similar type of EBV, which we designate as Transeurasian EBV.

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An EBV paper came out from UCSD

Yesterday, a “Web of Science Alert” e-mail informed me about a Nature paper on EBV research. The article states that human chromosome 11q23 has a clustered repeat to which the viral protein EBNA1 binds and that 11q23-specific chromosomal break occurs when the expression level of EBNA1 increases. There have been reports that EBNA1 is involved ...

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